609 N.E. 18th Street
609 N.E. 18th is a red brick mingle with red English style roof. This house is a four-square Colonial with typical green shutters and white trim. It is a large classic house, beautifully landscaped. The front entrance has a semi-circular porch with four Doric columns supporting its flat roof fenced with a wrought iron railing.
Ernest Boring 1931-56
Merlin K. DuVal1 956-64
Dr. William Price 1964-69
D.J. Tullius 1969 -
E.M. Boring bought the house after G.A. Nichols had begun construction, but the house was custom finished. He was an oil broker.
Dr. DuVall was a member of the Surgery Department of the University of Okahoma Medical School. He served as Assistant Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, which is the highest medical office in national government. He subsequently became Vice President of Medical Affairs at the University of Arizona.
Dr. Price was a member of the Surgery Department of the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine.
Mr. and Mrs. Tullius owned and operated a medical textbook store in the Lincoln Terrace area.