Lincoln Terrace

Oklahoma City

Lincoln Terrace is a historic neighborhood situated on either side of N Lincoln Blvd south of the Capitol. The first homes in Lincoln Terrace were built in 1918, one year after the Capitol itself was completed. Lincoln Terrace boasts a wide variety of architecture, from classic American Colonial to Tudor and Italian revival styles. Most homes are large, two-story houses with spacious interiors, grand staircases, multiple fireplaces and an abundance of windows. Lincoln Terrace was designated as a historic preservation district in 1974 and on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976.

Lincoln Terrace

Oklahoma City

Lincoln Terrace is a historic neighborhood situated on either side of N Lincoln Blvd south of the Capitol. Lincoln Terrace was designated as a historic preservation district in 1974 and on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976.

Home Histories

Extensive history of dozens of homes in Lincoln Terrace is available. Many homes in the neighborhood have served as residences of notable Oklahomans throughout the decades.

Association Information

Lincoln Terrace Neighborhood Association is responsible for organizing neighborhood events and projects as well as working with nearby neighborhoods on improvements and initiatives.

Historic Preservation

Lincoln Terrace falls within a historic preservation district, requiring a certificate of appropriateness for all work to the exterior of properties, in addition to any city permits.

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